Synergy Physical Therapy and Movement Arts, LLC

Gentle Deep Yoga - VIA ZOOM
with Rachael Resch, PT


January 15 (Friday)
at 10:15 am (GMT-08:00)

Class length
75 minutes

Join Nia Black Belt and holistic physical therapist Rachael R. Resch for therapeutic stretching to safely realign soft tissues and joints, and balance the vagus nerve.  The emphasis is on the hips in order to help heal knees, spine and core in the Culture of the Chair, and systemically optimize anatomy and physiology.  This class is a unique blend of science, yoga, mythopoetics, and sacred anatomy.

Focus:  Flexibility - The sensation of energy moving out along the bones and lengthening.
Intent:  Letting go of all that's no longer needed.

Props:  Props aren't required, but they can make your stretches more effective, safer and comfortable. Comfort is the key to effectively lengthen connective tissue. Here are some props to consider:

  1. Yoga mat
  2. Yoga strap, belt or scarf
  3. Padding: Several pillows, towels or blankets
  4. One or two 5-lb weights to open your hip joints
  5. Yoga block or 2 1/2" a book. 
If you have knee pads, feel free to bring those as well.

Family and friends:  If family or friends want to take class with you, great!  However, please have them purchase their own class pass - just like if we were in the studio.   If you want them to attend as your guest, please let me know and we can charge you accordingly.

This class is based on the work of John Barnes, PT, and his method of myofascial release. Very gentle stretches, held (optimally) for 5 to 8 minutes, are a self-treatment technique that permanently re-model shortened and bound-down connective tissue - in muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones, organs and neural tissues. As such, they have the capacity to dramatically improve health and quality of life.

This class is an excellent complement to Yoga For Your Bones - live or on replay.  Together they address the two main elements of well-aligned bones: neuromuscular tone and connective tissue or fascial tone.

While Yoga For Your Bones focuses primarily on muscle and bone strength, Gentle Deep Yoga  offers therapeutic and restorative stretching to remodel and re-align the connective tissue system (muscles, bones, joints, organs and nerves) to optimize your alignment so that weight-bearing activities are more effective at building bone, and practicing safe body mechanics is easier.

Q&A and schmoozing: You're invited to a little pre-class schmoozing around 10:10 am before class begins at 10:15. 

Your body is holy. Your body is a prayer.©

We understand that this is a time of profound change for us all.
If paying the regular class price is prohibitive, please use the "Pay-by-Donation" option for any of the passes. You can also choose to donate more.

Love your body. Love the Body of the Earth.


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