Synergy Physical Therapy and Movement Arts, LLC

Yoga For Your Bones - LIVE VIA ZOOM
with Rachael Resch, PT


October 22 (Thursday)
at 11:00 am (GMT-07:00)

Class length
60 minutes

Join physical therapist and Nia Black Belt, Rachael R. Resch, for this fun and unique class blending science, yoga, the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, mythopoetics, and sacred anatomy.  You'll learn how to gently and safely build bone,  prevent and reverse osteopenia or osteoporosis, and avoid fractures.  You'll develop strength, balance and safe body mechanics.

Please bring a stretchy resistance band or tubing - mild to moderate resistance.

Focus:  Conscious alignment of bones.
Intent:  Safely strengthen and stabilize your bones, your balance and your life.

Yoga For Your Bones Class Recordings:  Each class will be recorded and available to watch for one week after the live-streaming class ends.  The link will be available in the class listing in the calendar after the live class is finished.

Family and friends:  If family or friends want to take class with you, great!  However, please have them purchase their own class pass - just like if we were in the studio.   If you want them to attend as your guest, please let me know and we can charge you accordingly.

Based on the research of Loren Fishman, MD, and Rachael's PT practice with Michael R. McClung, MD, at the Oregon Osteoporosis Center in Portland, as well as the work of Shirley Sahrmann, PT, and John Barnes, PT.

To be sure your yoga practice is safe and effective, please:
(1)  Watch the "Intro to Yoga for Osteoporosis) video here
(2)  And please download the "Yoga For Your Bones Student Handout #1" here:

PROPS (Optional):
  1. Yoga mat
  2. Walking stick(s), broom stick, or 4-foot (or longer) piece of bamboo
  3. Yoga strap, belt or scarf
  4. Sturdy chair (folding chair is ideal)
  5. A couple blankets and pillows
Over time, you may find you don't need all the props.  As you're learning the Yoga for Your Bones safety guidelines, it's best to start out with more props than you think you need.  However, it's fine to participate without these props.

10:15-11:15 am (PT)

This new yoga class is an excellent complement to Yoga For Your Bones.  Together they address the two main elements of well-aligned bones: neuromuscular tone and connective tissue or fascial tone.

While Yoga For Your Bones focuses primarily on strength, Gentle Deep Yoga uses therapeutic and restorative stretching to gently remodel and re-align the connective tissue system (muscles, bones, joints, organs and nerves) to optimize your alignment so that weight-bearing activities are more effective at building bone, and practicing safe body mechanics is easier.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
